Merit onboarding flow

Merit Onboarding Flow: Simplifying the onboarding process

Enhancing the user experience for parents and guardians in the merit award process, reducing confusion and false onboarding mishaps. This flow reduced customer service calls by 12%, and reduced the number of accidental award rejections by 19%.


This effort zeroed in on simplifying how families navigate merit awards for education, addressing the confusion that led to missed opportunities and a flood of questions. Our goal was to streamline the experience, making it friendlier and more informative, so that engaging with the process feels like a breeze. Ultimately, we wanted to ensure that accessing educational support became straightforward and stress-free for every family looking to give their children a boost.


As the Lead UX Designer, I crafted the strategy, led the UX design, and collaborated with engineering to enhance the user onboarding experience.

Radar graph

Many parents and guardians, found themselves in the dark about how merit awards worked, leading to unnecessary rejections of awards. Our initial setup just wasn't cutting it—it was confusing and didn't really pull users in. On top of that, technical hiccups like slowdowns due to platform API calls and the hassle of dealing with multiple awards made everything more frustrating. Our main goal became clear: we needed to streamline everything, making it easier and clearer for folks like you to access the educational funds you need, all while sticking to what our tech could handle.


The target audience is parents and guardians of school-aged children looking for budget-friendly educational enrichment for their kids, utilizing ESA programs for tutoring, camps, and other resources.

design process onboarding_flow onboarding v1
onboarding v2 Onboarding flow

The redesigned Merit Onboarding Flow led to a 19% reduction in false rejections and a 12% decrease in onboarding-related customer service calls. These metrics demonstrate the project's success in achieving its goals, significantly improving user engagement and streamlining the process for claiming educational funds.


The project highlighted the importance of early collaboration between UX and engineering teams. Future projects will benefit from integrating technical perspectives earlier in the design phase to identify and address potential hurdles more efficiently. I would like to go back and revisit the ability to look thru your award merits without needing to accept them. This is the biggest trade of that we had to make from a engineering standpoint. The Merit onboarding flow project serves as a benchmark for future UX initiatives within the educational platform, with ongoing efforts to refine and enhance the user experience based on continuous feedback and technological advancements.

One thing we implemented while revamping the onboarding flow is the concept of user flags. This will us to utilize the right section of the onboarding flow to bring uers back into the flow to highlight new features in the future.